

火遁 113397-火遁豪火球之术发音

 The user creates powerful flames inside the giant oven created by the Lightning Release Sixteen Pillar Bind, cooking the opponent until they are burned It's used together with Earth Release Sticky Earth Drop to harden the mud covering the enemy's body and subsequently immobilising them 火遁(かとん)とは。意味や解説、類語。忍術の一。火や煙を使って身を隠す術。「火遁の術」 goo国語辞書は30万4千件語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 同样都是火遁 佐助b级 斑爷s级 而他的sss级鲜为人知 快资讯 火遁豪火球之术发音